Monday 8 June 2009

Get rich or be miserable trying...

This weekend I finally hit the wall. I reached the limit of my three thousand pound overdraft. I owe the banks three grand. Plus the twenty-five plus I owe to the student loan company. Am I a shopping addict? A heavy drug user? A gambling enthusiast? No, I am none of these things. I have two jobs, one part time, one occasional hours. With any luck on my side, my hours are full time, give or take a few more or less. I have a modest house, a piece of shit car, I eat normal every day food and go to student pubs. I go to gigs occasionally and sometimes I'll even have a night out on the town. I buy supermarket offer DVDs and take advantage of Orange Wednesdays for my cinema trips. In other words, I am not a spender. I try to save, I try to watch my cash flow. But it isn't enough. Circumstance, low wages, unfortunate events have conspired to rob me of any moderate fortune I had acquired. University, my working trip to America in 2006, my bucket 'o rust car, all has contributed to my downfall.

I am broke. Bankrupt. Its over. Maybe I can scrape back, but its looking unlikely. The only man who owes me any real coinage has even less than me. And do you want to know the best part? I don't want to be rich. I really don't. I don't need a big house, or a fancy BMW or Lotus sports car. I don't want a fucking island, or private jet, or boat. I don't need fame, fortune, celebrity. I don't want a bank balance with six figures. All I want is economic freedom and security. I want to not have to worry about this crap. I want to sleep easy not having to know when the next bill falls through the letter box. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only sod on Earth who doesn't want to be a millionnaire.

So, here, at the end, I say to you all. FUCK MONEY. FUCK CAPITALISM. FUCK BANKERS AND MPs AND STOCK BROKERS AND CEOs. Fuck them all.

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